How To Play

Getting Started

Step 1: Join our Discord server

The game takes place on our official Discord server which you can find here:

Step 2: Connect your NFT (Optional)

All NFTs from The Meme Mint are eligible to win USDT prizes from weekly "division" games. Once connected, your NFT will automatically assign you a "role" on Discord that will allow you to join these locked games. To do this you must go to our "Connect-nft" channel on Discord and press the button "Join The Meme Mint". The bot will then read your connected wallet to see which NFTs you own.

Step 3: Join a game!

Official games will be held in the "the-arena" channel. To enter a game you must react with the League "gate" emoji.

Step 4: Watch the battle

Watch as your character progresses to new rounds, defeating other users along the way!

Step 5: Claim prizes!

The game will automatically award most prizes but special prizes and USDT will have to be claimed in our "tickets" channel.


There are a number a commands a user can use to interact with the bot. They are listed below:

/balance - to see your gold, rudes, usdt, and items that you own

/daily - claim your daily gold (cooldown 24 hrs)

/weekly - claim your weekly gold (cooldown 7 days)

/shop - used to buy in-game characters and skins. Items are refreshed every day.

/merchant - used to buy resurrection stones

/use - used to equip resurrection stones

/remove - used to remove resurrection stones

/equip - used to equip one of your owned items/characters

/slots - used to gamble your gold

/coinflip - used to gamble your gold


Using the /shop command will bring up the currents items for the day. Some of these items will be NFT locked. Each item will cost a certain amount or "gold" or "rudes" if it's a rare item.

Last updated